EUR Data Management Group

Important Links

On this page we provide links to documents and other resources we deem to be important and/or interesting. Feel free to contact your responsible ROC-representative or ICAO EUR/NAT Headquarters in Paris if you think you know any useful link, that should be mentioned here.

Links to ICAO Paris Resources

A lot of documents and information can be found on the website of the ICAO-EUR/NAT office in Paris. The following table provides direct links to the most important documents for the DMG.

Document Short Explanation of the Content
EUR-ICAO Documents
EUR ICAO Doc. 018 This is the bible of the DMG, the EUR OPMET Data Management Handbook (EUR Doc. 018). In this document you will find a description of the EUR-RODEX system, including all the procedures developed and used by the DMG.
EUR ICAO Doc. 014 Direct link to the EUR SIGMET and AIRMET Guide (EUR Doc. 014). It describes in detail the responsibilities as well as the format to be used for SIGMET and AIRMET messages, including all the abbreviations which can be used. One can also find a list all SIGMET and AIRMET headers used in the EUR-region as well as special guidelines for reporting geographical coordinates.
EUR ICAO Doc. 020 Direct link to the EUR AMHS Manual (EUR Doc. 020). It describes in detail how the AMHS (Aeronautical Message Handling System) has to be implemented in the EUR-region. It consists of the main document and several Appendices.
EUR ICAO Doc. 7754 The EUR electronic Air Navigation Plan (EUR eANP Doc. 7754) consist of three Volumes.
    Volume I: contains stable plan elements whose amendment necessitates approval by the Council such as the assignment of responsibilities to States for the provision of aerodrome and air navigation facilities and services in accordance with Article 28 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Doc 7300)
    Volume II: contains dynamic plan elements material related to the assignment of responsibilities to States for the provision of aerodrome and air navigation facilities and services and the current to medium term mandatory regional requirements related to aerodrome and air navigation facilities and services to be implemented by States in accordance with regional air navigation agreements involving the relevant PIRG. The amendment of these elements does not require approval by the Council.
    Volume III: contains dynamic/flexible plan elements providing implementation planning guidance for air navigation systems and their modernization taking into consideration emerging programmes such as the ICAO Aviation System Block Upgrades (ASBUs) and associated technology roadmaps described in the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) (Doc 9750). The ANP Volume III would also include appropriate additional guidance, particularly with regard to implementation, to complement the material contained in the ANP Volumes I and II. The amendment of Volume III would not require approval by the Council (approval of Part II is under the responsibility of the relevant PIRG).
IWXXM-related Information
WMO 306, Volume I.3, Part D - Representations derived from data models This part of the WMO-document introduces the use of XML
EUR Doc. 020, Appendix H Direct link to the EUR AMHS Manual (EUR Doc. 020), Appendix H which contains the AMHS-profil for IWXXM-data.
GitHub GitHub is a code hosting platform for version control and collaboration. It is used by WMO to work on different fields of the WMO Information Management. This includes also repositories in regard to IWXXM:
  • iwxxm: XML schema and Schematron for aviation weather data exchange
  • IWXXMCodeLists: Code list management for WMO published content
  • iwxxm-modelling: Tools and resources for the development of IWXXM in UML and preparation of XML/GML application schemas and schematron rules
  • iwxxm-translation: An open repository of examples of equivalent TAC and IWXXM messages
There are several other repositories which might be interesting for users.
IWXXM 2.1.1 Graphical representation of the IWXXM 2.1.1 schema
IWXXM 3.0 Graphical representation of the IWXXM 3.0 schema
IWXXM 2021-2 Graphical representation of the IWXXM 3.0 schema
IWXXM 2023-1 Graphical representation of the IWXXM 3.0 schema
TAC to IWXXM translation service request form In case a NOC is not in the position to provide national OPMET data in IWXXM (required by ANNEX 3 from November 2020 onwards) this form may be used to request the service to be performed by the responsible ROC.
List of signed TAC to IWXXM translation service agreements A list, hosted on the ICAO Paris web-site, about all actual signed TAC to IWXXM translation service agreements.
Other Useful Information/Documents
Usage of ii in Bulletin Headers Information about the recommended use of ii in WMO abbreviated headings depending on the exchange (global, regional, bilateral,...).
EUR SIGMET and AIRMET Headers Co-ordinated list of operationally used headers for SIGMET and AIRMET in the EUR-region.
EUR Special AIREP Headers Co-ordinated list of operationally used headers for Special AIREPs (ARS) in the EUR-region.
EUR GAMET exchange for LLF Co-ordinated inventory on regional exchange of GAMET and graphical products to support low-level flights
Coding/Decoding the Abbreviated Header This link leads you to the WMO-website where you can find information on how to code & decode a bulletin header (abbreviated header). It is part of the WMO 386 (Manual on the GTS).