EUR Data Management Group

Data Update Procedure (METNO)

Update-Procedure Flow-Chart

The detailed Data Update Procedure can be found in EUR ICAO Doc.018, Appendix B. The intend of this page is to inform about the key elements in regard to the registration/removal of OPMET-data.


In order to have an overview of the current available OPMET-data (alpahnumeric and IWXXM) within the ICAO-EUR region, without performing monitoring exercises all the time, the Data Update Procedure has been implemented.

All changes to the OPMET-data production should be reported by NOCs (National OPMET Centre) to the responsible ROC (Regional OPMET Centre). The ROC will check the proposed changes before further co-ordination with the DMG-Focal Point.

The DMG-Focal Point collects all change requests and compiles those into a list for the DMG members for review. After acceptance by the DMG-members, the changes will officially be sent via a METNO-message. This message is sent one week before the next AIRAC-date.

The operational implementation is taking place on AIRAC dates at 11:00 UTC.

Next 5 AIRAC-dates (at 11:00 UTC)

As stated above and also depicted in the clickable flow chart in the top right corner, the procedure is linked to the AIRAC-cycle. Changes should, as far as possible, be implemented on these days. Sometimes it is not possible to stick to those dates, for example in cases where changes need to be announced within a short time. In such cases an EXTRA METNO may be issued by the DMG-focal point, after formal agreement within the DMG.

Requesting New Data

If there is a need for requesting new data, either from the EUR-Region or from other ICAO-regions, an additional procedure has to be used. Please have a look in the EUR Doc.018, Appendix B, chapter B.3 for details.

If you have any questions or want to co-ordinate any changes in your OPMET-data production, do not hesitate to contact your responsible ROC.


Below you have the possibility to search for METNO-messages. You can use different combinations to search for data. If you do not select any of the below parameters, you will get the complete list of all METNO-messages that have ever been issued. You can download this information also as a WORD-file (MetnoOverviewAll.docx). This document also includes a list of all currently registered bulletins.

Another possibility to search available data is the "Search OPMET Catalogue" tool. This catalogue contains data, which has been monitored during DMG-OPMET Monitoring Exercises and combines this information with the Data Update Procedure details.

Location Indicator Data Type (T1T2) Country Code (A1A2) Header CCCC Year Month